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Oust Liz Cheney

Liz Cheney is a Republican in the same way that Lincoln Project is


Republican Representative Liz Cheney is staring down another vote to oust her from her party leadership position. Good riddance. The vote is being framed as a battle between two factions of the GOP: those who stand with former President Trump and those who supposedly speak the truth. This is poor framing.

The truth is that Liz Cheney has forever held a grudge against Trump since he criticized her father — the former Vice President Dick Cheney — in the run-up to the 2016 presidential election. Like other Republican never-Trumpers, she hated the president’s style. She could never really wrap her head around learning the difference between supporting good party policies and condemning stupid misbegotten tweets.

But the sights were further put on Cheney after she decided to vote for Trump’s impeachment following the January 6 riots. Instead of just “voting her conscious” like she said she was doing, the congresswoman decided to spread the Republican guilt on thick, categorically blaming the party for the mob or rogue actors that broke into the Capitol building.

A vote for her removal after the impeachment trial was a failure. Most likely because the party did not want to appear to be punishing one of its members for voting their conscience, but as time went on, Cheney could not let go of her case of Trump Derangement Syndrome, even as the former president’s prevalence in the national political scene decreased.

Cheney continues to say that the 2020 election was not stolen — a claim that runs counter to the beliefs of Trump. Cheney is correct in this sense, but it will not change the minds of angry Republican voters who believe it to be true. And, like it or not, the party will need these voters if they hope to take back the House and Senate next year. The claims of a stolen election will likely diminish on their own if it were not for grudge-holding members of Republican leadership continuing to throw fuel on the fire.

Unfortunately, though, this is not the worst statement Cheney is making. The congresswoman continues to speak as though she wants every Republican to flog themselves and accept blame for the Capitol riot. Never mind that no Republican cheered the assault and most publicly denounced it.

Continuing to feed the Democrat narrative that all Republicans are insurrectionists is not helpful to the party’s future. For proof of this, look no further than a CNN headline from Wednesday that reads “Liz Cheney Chooses Truth Over Power — A Lonely Path in Trump’s GOP.”

Just a quick political tip for Cheney: If CNN is cheering you on, you are not helping your party. Instead of elevating future stars like Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, Cheney is choosing to act like the type of Republican that would fit in over at the Lincoln Project. In other words, she is acting like a Democrat.

House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy is right to be tired of the shenanigans. It would benefit the party to hold a vote and strip her of her leadership position. If Cheney doesn’t like it, she can always switch and become the Democrat she was born to be. The GOP will be better off without her perpetual guilt trip.

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